At Frö we serve a set dinner menu of around 7 servings all seasons.
The menu changes according to availability of the seasons and is always presented at arrival, never before. With one foot in the local and wild produce of Sälen and Dalarna we stand with the other foot in quality suppliers from the rest of Sweden And Norwegian waters that has the right ethos in agriculture and cultivation. Everything is prepared from scratch here in the restaurant and we buy whole animals as far as possible. The preparations for the menus is ongoing all year round with different preservation and fermentation techniques.
The combination of food and drinks is a big focus for us and we always offer beverage pairings with the menu of small scale wine producers or our own made juices and infusions. 
During the periods we have the restaurant shut due to improvement, transformation and renovations we are to some extend available to attend to markets, pop-ups, catering and home dinners. Please contact us via mail for more information.

We take a very limited amount of guests each night and recommend you to book your spot in good time.

See opening hours and book

We’re looking forward to having you
Emma Ramírez, Charlie McCorgray & Malin Flygar

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